Direct Marketing

Use Syncrasy & DataRobot to predict which people have the highest likelihood of purchasing your product or service, providing the most cost-effective target marketing.
Problem / Pain
Marketing to prospects (direct mail, telemarketing and email) is expensive. Targeting incorrectly can hurt your brand, leaving prospects feeling spammed. Traditional techniques are not very sophisticated, resulting in low response rates which in turn leads to high cost-per-lead/acquisition numbers.

Modern machine learning algorithms can substantially increase accuracy for determining which prospects should and should not receive your marketing material, yielding higher ROI. To drive down your cost-per-lead/acquisition numbers, use DataRobot's automated machine learning techniques to bring more sophistication to your marketing. By communicating with only those with a high likelihood to respond (those who actually want to receive the material) you are maintaining a favourable image of your company and saving money.

Why Syncrasy & DataRobot
Make your marketing campaigns more effective and targeted with automated machine learning. No data science expertise required.

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