Insurance Pricing

Syncrasy & DataRobot helps insurers optimise pricing and risk exposure.
Problem / Pain
Many Property & Casualty insurance companies are seeing deteriorating underwriting results. With the advent of comparative raters in the P&C insurance market, prospects can price compare many companies instantly, often simply choosing the lowest price. Less sophisticated insurance carriers become exposed in the areas where they mispriced to make a sale. The lowest cost may win the business, but may be under-priced relative to the risk. This results in costing a company potentially exorbitant amounts of money in the end.

Syncrasy curated data & DataRobot's wealth of algorithms, you can be confident in the prices you charge. By automating the process of building and comparing models that explore cost versus risk, you can determine whether any risk you consider taking on is priced appropriately. This competitive advantage pushes adverse selection on to competitors, which, over time will increase your growth and profitability.

Why Syncrasy & DataRobot
Accuracy in pricing models can save an insurance company a significant amount of money. Based on Syncrasy stored data, DataRobot automatically builds models from a wide class of algorithms—from Generalized Linear Models to Random Forests to Deep Learning—assuring that the final model is the best model.

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